To know whether your roses are growing well, we need to watch out for certain signs that the exhibits strong growth.
I have taken some pictures to give you some idea.
The following dark leaves shoots, indicate strongest and most healthy growth.
Dark leaves absorb most light, just like a solar panel in black because black absorb the most light. If your rose produces dark leave (almost black) at early stage, it will most likely give out strong stem growth.
The following is a less sun tolerant rose. It is placed at shaded location. Strong growth is not necessary influenced by the strength of direct sun. As long as there is sufficient light, it should do the job.
After about 1 to 2 weeks, the leaves will gradually turn to green. This will be sign of slower stem growth and gradually the flower bud will form.
The following are signs of weaker growth than the ones above. Though the growth is weaker, it is healthy. After flowering, it should be pruned immediately.
All of the pictures taken below are signs of weak growth. Though they may produce some shoots, it doesn't have that 'push' compare to those above, the leaves are much lighter green. Other signs of weaker growth are the formation of distorted leaves.
In the first 90 days, we need to watch out for strong growths. I realised that if the newly purchased rose plant do not produce some of these strong growths, then there is high chances that it will not grow successfully at your garden.
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